Sitemap - 2016 - Public Enemy Number 1

Wes Bridges has tenure no teacher can dream of

Wes Bridges' resignation/contract is STILL not on any agenda

The wages of Common Core -- and a message for Townsend/Trump and Townsend/Hillary voters

When you challenge the tired establishment, the tired establishment lies about you. It's what they do.

Join the happy parent rebellion, Adam Putnam. We. Are. Winning.

How to volunteer for change. We need you.

The truth about Hunt's mailer: two open lies, three fuzzy falsehoods, and a revelation of character

Of meaningful school choice, "radical new ideas," a private school experience, and Get. Off. My. Lawn

A small man with a giant bank account

The Greater Winter Haven learning community already exists. Let's build around it.

We. Are. Winning. But we still need your help.

The new needs friends: an optimistic note to supporters and skeptics

Of LEAD money, teacher retention, and how new voices can shape a new district culture

It was a 45-minute drive, Hunt

The teacher-hating district, part 2: Our leaders casually call our teachers thieves

The teacher-hating district, part 1: Our offer is nothing. (But you can counter.)

I'll fight for a teacher-friendly district; businessman Berryman will keep fiddling

Bring school voices to School Board meetings

Our breakfast with Shan: a study in contrast between me and my opponent

The sneering, failed voice of DoE: "Jackie Byrd. Oh, this is gonna be fun."

Broken DoE demands a sixth principal in 15 months at Lake Alfred Addair. Hunt Berryman nods in agreement.

A point of information on the word "for." I am not the incumbent.

The DoE/District dance of death is a crime against children and parents. End it.

A better vision, part 3: Wave a sign Saturday to celebrate the political competition our kids deserve

A better vision, part 2: Community-based learning systems

A better vision, part 1: Zero unnecessary EoY tests -- not 72

A correctable leadership failure of my own

My sympathies and expectations for Polk's district administrators

Vote in-person NOW for change and energy in the Polk School District leadership

Billy's School Board would deliver daily public updates on our crises

We can't afford four more years of the Berryman/LeRoy era

Listen to the timeless wisdom of Hazel Haley

The Stigmatized 5, part 3: A question of public leadership

The Stigmatized 5, part 2: Community, death, and life

Throw down at the Derry Down and more: Billy's excited to talk to Winter Haven this week

The Stigmatized 5, part 1: The flesh and blood kids of the Winter Haven High ecosystem are a moral imperative

Check out the Campaign Commercial!

The state DoE has failed. We must transform it, too.

The failed Bartow mindset and the illusion of meetings

My opponent is wrong: Jacque Bowen won't be missed

The Business Voice/PCBA choice: "Major investor" or fixing problems?

Register by Aug. 1. Vote on or before Aug. 30. Everywhere in Polk County

The fraudulence of school grades

Lakeland educates the Polk School Board on technology bidding practices

Two birds, one sign -- or something

The DSM deal is good for David Robinson. Is it good for you?

A diet without a menu: the Polk School Board's unStrategic unPlan

Change needs to start with the School Board Attorney

We need an org. chart -- and a new School Board/administrative culture

Bartow Horror Story: the catastrophic failure of Polk’s testing and student data system