Kelli Stargel and the FCSBM put our kids and teachers at the mercy of malicious cranks. Let's change that.
Let's meet Marion County School Board Member Nancy Stacy. She's a director of a very influential and destructive group of Florida education elites, which I'll come to in a second. And she has opinions she likes to share with the public. Here's one:
“In America whores (Webster’s defines as prostitutes) used to be shunned by some but us Christians prayed for them to change their ways. Today they are heralded as heroines if they are talented enough to present themselves as ‘damsels in distress’ to destroy a man. These ‘whores’ trade sex for money or favors."
“Bill Cosby was example. He was sentenced on one story. A woman goes to married man’s home alone. She voluntarily took pills he offered that would ‘relax’ her. I believe she was a ‘whore’ and went there for monetary favors which is definition of a prostitute/whore! The media portrayed her as a ‘damsel in distress.’ Granted Cosby foolishly played her game she went there to play. He did pay women over the years but they were simply ‘prostitutes’ with a new trick to get money from rich folks."
See the full story about about Stacy's idiosyncratic take on "whores" from the Ocala Star-Banner. It's become quite the thing around Ocala.
Why does this matter to all of Florida? Because of Stacy's FCSBM
I'm not one to go crank fishing. I'm generally content to let Ocala's problems stay in Ocala. We've got our own in Polk. But Nancy Stacy isn't your normal, every day crank. She's also a director of a small group called the Florida Coalition of School Board Members (FCSBM). Believe it or not, Stacy's group, which is tiny, has been driving the worst of Florida's education policies in recent years, such as: 7069, VAM, starvation budgets, lawless charter expansion, and the failed Amendment 8.
This group is closely aligned with Kelli Stargel. See this story as one example.
The outgoing leaders of the House and Senate, Richard Corcoran and Joe Negron did whatever the FCSBM wanted. Indeed, until she got beat in a recent election, Joe Negron's wife was part of the FCSBM. It also includes a woman named Erika Donalds, who drove the failed Amendment 8 effort to put charter schools beyond any touch of meaningful oversight. Donalds' husband Byron is a member of the Florida House and influential on education issues, particularly in hurting teachers and taking away oversight of charter schools.
This same group will guide Ron DeSantis on education policy. He's made that clear. See this article about the Florida education establishment backing DeSantis. Key excerpts:
"Corcoran, who called DeSantis “visionless” just this summer, now believes DeSantis offers “bold education policy...”
"...Corcoran’s wife is on a charter board, according to the Tampa Bay Times, as is Erika Donalds, the wife of state Rep. Byron Donalds, who also lauded the plan.
"Rep. Donalds, a Naples Republican, asserts that DeSantis’ plan shows he is “committed to ensuring that the children of Florida have the best education in the country.”
Bottom line: the FCSBM is the establishment in Florida education. The half-dozen or so of them have wielded more power than all 67 districts, because we've allowed them to have it. And they are maliciously bonkers. They're on the wane these days; but a DeSantis/Stargel victory would empower them again.
Silly trash talk and complicit silence
Silence is generally not a FCSBM trademark. They talk a lot of trash.
Indeed, you may remember that one of their members, a guy named Shawn Frost, went so far as to declare that the FCSBM "let" me win my election in 2016. Here's a link to that hilarity.
By contrast, as of this writing, the people of the FCSBM and Ron DeSantis' closest education advisors and allies have been curiously quiet about their compatriot's takes on the "whores" who apparently set up Bill Cosby. It doesn't just stop with "whores," of course. I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn she's got some rather distinct views on virtually everyone who is not exactly like her.
Nevertheless, the Florida education establishment seems to be backing Stacy.
If you're a constituent for one of these people, see if you can get an answer about their relationship and backing to Stacy.
Remember, here's the full text of FCSBM board member Nancy Stacy's view of the world. If she's willing to say this in public, think of the harm she's willing to inflict on her our kids and teachers and anybody associated with public education in Florida when nobody's looking.
“Excited to comment! Time a conservative leader out the liberal progressives on how they encourage women to destroy men promoted by immoral communist driven media! Part of the map to communism is to destroy the nation’s morals, own the press and destroy the family unit. They have almost done it by brilliantly pumping drugs into minority areas like our inner cities.
“In America whores (Webster’s defines as prostitutes) used to be shunned by some but us Christians prayed for them to change their ways. Today they are heralded as heroines if they are talented enough to present themselves as ‘damsels in distress’ to destroy a man. These ‘whores’ trade sex for money or favors.
“Bill Cosby was example. He was sentenced on one story. A woman goes to married man’s home alone. She voluntarily took pills he offered that would ‘relax’ her. I believe she was a ‘whore’ and went there for monetary favors which is definition of a prostitute/whore! The media portrayed her as a ‘damsel in distress.’ Granted Cosby foolishly played her game she went there to play. He did pay women over the years but they were simply ‘prostitutes’ with a new trick to get money from rich folks.
“What is driving local RACIST progressives?? I have exposed their gig against all men! Us ‘Mama Bears’ of sons from all ethnicities better unite because our young boys are under siege. Liberals want to regress to the days when 1 white man’s word got an innocent black man jailed. Today just 1 woman’s word can get men of all ethnicities jailed.
“This ‘mama bear’ thanks Progressive Radicals like Matt Wardell at the City Council associated with Marion County Political Forum racist accomplices for taking my bait to expose Matt for what many had warned me he was!”