Orange County State Attorney should convene Leo Schofield/Jeremy Scott grand jury
Polk State Attorney Brian Haas, and probably Sheriff Grady Judd, are using grand jury lawfare to help DeSantis tell Orange and Osceola county voters their votes don't matter. Make them pay.
Orange/Osceola County voters want a black woman named Monique Worrell to be their state attorney. They have elected her twice. Tiny receding dictator Ron DeSantis hates her and removed her just for existing a while back. She then kicked his ass in the November election. Now he’s trying to find a way to remove her again.
Enter the ever pathetic “leaders” of Polk County. This is the most laughably transparent political misuse of a grand jury imaginable.
As Monique Worrell plans to reclaim the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s office Tuesday, questions loom about a grand jury investigation in Polk County.
Friday, we reported a grand jury has been called and people have been subpoenaed to appear related to an investigation into Monique Worrell’s first administration.
The details of this grand jury, including the potential charges, are sealed.
Tenth Circuit State Attorney Brian Haas is a very weak man, who is afraid of his shadow. I assure you he convened this grand jury because somebody ordered him to: either DeSantis or Grady Judd, I suspect. Any one of those three men are welcome to confirm or deny this.
Anyway, the Polk grand jury will trump something up; and DeSantis will use it to remove Worrell. We all know how this will go.
The Leo Schofield/Jeremy Scott case concerns Worrell’s circuit, too
Obviously, jurisdiction means nothing; so Worrell should play pre-emptive hardball of her own — before she gets railroaded out. She should immediately call a grand jury concerning the Leo Schofield and Jeremy Scott cases. These are primarily Polk cases; but they also concern Osceola.
You all know the story if you read me at all:
Leo Schofield is an obviously innocent man, wrongly kept in prison for 35 years for killing his young wife through the prosecutorial misconduct of deceased Polk prosecutor John Aguero and the failed oversight of long-time 10th State Attorney Jerry Hill and his 10th Circuit house judges.
The confessed killer of Michelle Schofield — Jeremy Scott — has also been connected to the killing of an Osceola cab driver. But Osceola cops arrested the wrong man in that case, too. Thankfully, he was acquitted and didn’t suffer Schofield’s fate. No second trial was ever pursueed. Why?
That all sounds like vital stuff for a grand jury to review. Drag Jerry Hill in front of that grand jury, Madame State Attorney.
You’re doomed by this corrupt and stupid state dictatorship anyway. Strike a real blow for decency on the way out.
This grand-jury shenanigan is merely a continuation of the long slog through MAGAworld -- a journey worthy of a contemporary Dante; Bill is a worthy Virgil for our time. The crucial thing here is to outlast the b*stards.