The De-shittification Society, pt 2
Mass enshittification means real consequences, real opportunity, and a measure of freedom for dirty libs.
I’ve adjusted the date on the first hangout session of the De-Shittification Society to Saturday, February 15, 11 a.m., at the Pressed coffee shop/book store in Downtown Lakeland. I love the civic bonanza the Downtown Farmer’s Market provides every Saturday; and I love books. It seems natural to patronize/latch onto both in the service of de-shittification and community in getting our meet-ups started.
I can’t do February 8th for a personal reason. So the 15th seems the soonest, best choice. In the meantime, don’t wait to ramp up your own personal de-shittification efforts. You will know them when you see them; and none is too small to matter.
In part 1 of this series, I laid out the enshittification v. de-shittification dynamic, which is the defining struggle of our time and plays out at every level of society — from the household outward.
This is, obviously, part 2. In part 3, I’ll lay out my personal loose agenda for de-shittification.
The dirty libs warned the MAGA Fluids (the folks who think they can empower MAGA without being MAGA) repeatedly. We pointed to the general and specific enshittification they would unleash on themselves — and everybody else — by choosing to replace American self-government with a lawless kleptatorship of bros backed by Bond villains.
Yet, for reasons they will never be able to articulate, the people I refer to as MAGA Fluid were so desperate to put their dirty lib friends, neighbors, kids, and (especially wives, daughters, sisters, and girlfriends) in their place that they turned over the nuclear codes and FBI and the FAA and the military to the MAGA Freaks they despise and fear and look down on in real life. The convos always went like this:
They won’t really do all that stuff, silly lib; and you overreacted on J6 and trans people are really really icky, they told us. And I trust Rogan; and he’s a big burly man who is buddies with Aaron Rodgers. Anyway, it’s all your fault just for existing.
Who’s got it better than us, de-shittifiers?
Yet, even as we sit here in our place, my dear fellow dirty libs, we’re still having a better go of it than Grady Judd — who can’t decide which schtick to use on mass deportation.
Poor Grady is finding there is no proverbial needle to thread there, only black and white choices and personal consequences to accept, whatever he decides to do. Grady hates consequences that are his own; and empty shit talk like this won’t protect him.
A Florida sheriff is combating illegal immigration by sharing a bold statement with those who are in the state illegally ahead of President-elect Trump’s inauguration.
“And I leave with this message: ‘Southbound and down.’ Do it yourself. You can self-deport and avoid a lot of prison sentence, but it’s time. Southbound and down,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said during a press conference on Wednesday.
“Bold statement.” LOL. Watch him quietly take it back here.
But Judd said that the Polk County Sheriff’s Office will not change its policies on enforcing immigration laws. After stating that he thinks immigration was the second most significant issue in the 2024 presidential election, behind inflation, Judd said he does not foresee any shift in his agency’s approach toward those living in Polk County without authorization.
We dirty libs are still having a better go of it than Lakeland Mayor Bill Mutz, who, in order to put the many dirty libs who admire and like him in their place, ended up pardoning the mob that tried to lynch his family friend Mike Pence (and, by moral extension, the mob that Saga Stevin whipped up to come after his own family in the 2021 mayor’s race.) Bob Dole supposedly once said “a liberal is someone who won’t take his own side in a quarrel.” Does that make a MAGA Fluid someone who won’t take their own side in a lynch mob?
Speaking of the Capitol Lynch Mob, we dirty libs are still having a better go of it than the pardoned Capitol Lynch mobbist criminal that red state cops had to kill just days after his big win.
I mean … we’re not dead.
Poor Matthew Huttle thought he had a permanent hall pass. But Trump hasn’t even eulogized him. Sad!
Silly little rioting MAGAs. They don’t look at you any differently than they do me. We’re all just cogs in the grift. But I’m harder to con and steal from because my prejudices are not so easily manipulated into violence and self-destruction as yours. More on our local J6ers in later article. But I’m curious: have any red state cops had to kill pardoned lib lynch mobbists?
We dirty libs are still having a better go of it than four veteran LPD cops, who just learned the hard way about the limits of their MAGA protection. Yep, the same local “leaders” who all chose to give an utterly lawless horde of freaks the nuclear codes and license to tear the FBI apart forced four veteran LPD cops to retire because they routinely shut off body cams and generated complaints in the black neighborhoods they patrol. That’s pretty amazing, really, considering the environment.
There is literally nothing MAGA loves more than the idea of movie trope rogue cops breaking all rules with impunity while they go wilding through black neighborhoods. To be clear, this actual act seems like a net de-shittification by city government, based on what I’ve read. I fully support it. But one can almost hear the bewilderment of these cops:
Bro, this is how they roll in “Den of Thieves.” Don’t you know Trump means no rules for cops who police people of color? WTF: what happened to “back the blue,” man? Also, Grady’s been protecting a rogue detective who sent a child back to be raped by her step-father. We’re worse than that? Why’s Brian Haas crawling down our throat and not hers?
Be honest, MAGA Fluids: what do you think your guy — the guy who pardoned all the J6ers and handed the FBI to Kash Patel — would say about you trying to impose ethical policing, as if we live in that kind of world anymore? Better hope he doesn’t hear about it.
We dirty libs are still having a better go of it than silent desk warrior Gary Clark, Lakeland’s self-appointed veterans/turn-the-military-on-the-libs advocate.
I mean, Clark got his dream DEI hire last week: for the first time, the special class of drunken, undisciplined, (allegedly) serial adulterer and abuser, fake-Christian, white supremacist tattoo-wearing, war-crime encouraging, incompetent managers has real representation at the top of U.S. military command.
Gary should be thrilled. What could go wrong? And yet, where’s he at? Come on, Col. Clark. Let’s hear from you.
And we dirty libs are still having a better go of it than Ron DeSantis, who learned the hard way that the handful of large construction, (dying) agriculture, elder care, real estate development, and hospitality interests who actually “govern” Florida need all their undocumented workers. They don’t want Trump’s mass deportation; and Trump may not want it either, at least not from Florida, where the political and capital blowback will be unpredictable for him. We’ll see.
In any event, these big “GOP” interests clearly told their elected clerks Ben Albritton and that Speaker of the House to pretend to placate Trump by screwing the preening DeSantis. I can hear them now:
Bros, name it the TRUMP Act. He’s so old, vain, and stupid; and he hates DeSantis so much, he’ll give you a pass.
I promise you that’s how it went down.
Thus, Rep. Jennifer Canady, R-Lakeland, had to publicly turn on the governor who made her speaker because she sponsored 6-week forced birth for him to use against Trump in the presidential primary. I think her theoretical future speakership is getting more theoretical by the moment. Like Grady, she’s now on both wrong sides of the DeSantis/Trump petty proxy war — which is gonna play out in mass deportation and 6-week v. 15-week forced birth and who knows where else.
(By the way, we’re gonna make the de-shittification of forced birth at LRH and 6-week v. 15-week forced birth a local issue very shortly. I promise you that. Stay tuned.)
As always, in these types of fights, I root for carnage.
And finally, for good measure, we’re having a better go of it than egg suppliers. Here’s the “limited availability” egg section from yesterday at the Grove Park Publix. This isn’t on us dirty libs either …
The place we’ve been put, libs, has an OK view - and a lot of freedom
In short, we dirty libs are not being rendered pathetic and subservient and silent. You, MAGA Fluids, have relieved us of all immediate responsibility for any aspect of the rain of toxic shit falling across the country because of you.
There is dignity and strength in being right — in refusing to surrender an inch off the rightness. Speaking only for myself for a moment: being right is one of my core vanities. It grounds me and gives me emotional freedom of movement. So I’ll admit to some measure of grim satisfaction in the early days of mass enshittification, tech mogul bribes, and full Capitol Lynch Mob pardons.
I was right; you were wrong, MAGA Fluids. And you know it.
I am blameless; and while consequences of your mass enshittification fall everywhere, the responsibility for it lies solely on you. I will never let you weasel out of what you’ve freely chosen to do to your country and community — when you knew better.
I have no moral responsibility to defend any institution from the destruction you’ve unleashed. That means I can focus entirely on aggressive de-shittification in any form I see fit — on any schedule.
Indeed, I hope this will be the first and last “reaction” piece I ever write about mass enshittification, which I will just take as a given moving ahead. I’ll be looking for the de-shittification initiative, wherever and however I can find it.
I want people reacting to me. At micro scale, for instance, two MAGA Fluids have already reacted to me by running away, like cowards, from frank discussions about the personal and human consequences of their choices. They had both previously found me useful at certain times for advancing their interests or local political preferences. I gave them a tiny, private taste of the personal enshittification they freely choose to inflict on people they don’t know; and they cut off all communication in rage rather than own the personal consequences of their fake beliefs.
Strong people own what they want and do. Weak people don’t. I’m always open to these MAGA Fluids finding some basic moral courage and collaborating to push back the mass enshittification they’ve imposed. But that’s their choice, not mine. They got everything they wanted; and they’re big mad at me about it. I can’t even wrap my head around that. That will never be me.
These MAGA Fluids will come back to me when the MAGA Freaks eat or steal something personally important to them. Or not. They may just take it so can they avoid admitting anything to themselves or me. But I now have zero personal or civic responsibility to navigate any part of that personal psychology for the sake of a greater good they decided to kill. That is one small advantage of MAGA Fluids putting me in my place.
I would say that’s the advantage that all the dirty libs, having been put in our place, now enjoy. We can no longer defend a greater American good our neighbors, friends, family, and “leaders” chose willfully killed in order to spite us.
Let them try to defend it.
We shouldn’t even want to. We need to focus on rebuilding a greater good that is actually good.
i love this!!! i would absolutely like to join the de-enshittification society! i’m in tampa, though and i don’t have transportation to lakeland. ☹️
also i propose the moniker ‘disenshittification’ because it’s fun to say.
edit to add: the non-white people trump would like to see deported from florida ACTUALLY VOTED FOR HIM. if every florida trump voter gets deported it’ll leave this state in a much better place and our wildlife and nature will be safer.
also, isn’t teeny mussolini’s wife colombian? i guess she’s getting deported too. maybe she’ll take marco rubio with her.