The growing De-shittification Society's final organizational meet-up is Saturday
About 25 people -- of all ages -- have come to our first two hang-outs. Come join the third, tomorrow, at 11 a.m. at Downtown Lakeland's Pressed coffee shop/book store.
See you Saturday at 11 a.m., at Downtown Lakeland’s Pressed book store/coffee shop.
I was thrilled that essentially an entirely new batch of folks came to our second De-shittification Society Meet-up last Saturday. One couple came all the way over from Tampa. We’re up to roughly 25 people now. That’s pretty good for just two gatherings in two weeks. Better than I expected, honestly.
I’ve decided that tomorrow/Saturday’s meet-up will be the last of the “let’s see who shows up and get to know each other” vintage. I’ll build out the DSS contact list with who ever comes. (I haven’t yet collated contacts of folks who have come. Bear with me.)
These “get to know each other” sessions have been interesting and fun. People have very different motivations for coming. And that’s fine — preferable, in fact. I have some thoughts about that — and what we might do with this community moving ahead that I’ll share next week.
For now, I hope to see you tomorrow.