The Texas Education Agency (TEA) turns to arch criminal campaign operative James Dunn for "continuing education"
The convicted felon fraudster - who also recently cheated a Houston church, got 6 shady PPP loans, and failed miserably in Florida elections - is leading a 2-day workshop for Texas school officials.

Holy. Moley.
The criminal James Dunn seems to have landed on his feet at home in Texas after Polk County chased him out of Florida in defeat and scandal. Say what you will about him; but this dude does not lie low. Chutzpah, thy name is Dunn.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is Texas’ version of the Florida Department of Education. It officially blessed Dunn as a Texas-approved state training provider for school officials on Sept. 13 of this year — just a few weeks ago. All Dunn’s known shenanigans, criminal and otherwise, were public at that time. Does TEA do any background checks for trainers?
Dunn is using this TEA blessing to host an officially state-sanctioned “2-day workshop for Texas School Board Trustees and Superintendents.” It’s being held this coming Friday and Saturday at a church in Southlake, a Dallas-area suburb.
Cost per official is $75. I assume that fee will come from local taxpayers; but perhaps Dunn can clarify. His phone number and email are right there on the brochure “Getting Back to Basics” workshop.
A Floridian offers some friendly advice to Texans about James Dunn productions
Let me just urge Texas stakeholders for this event to consider three recommendations:
Demand to get paid up front, “Christ Our King Church” of Southlake. The “Christian” Dunn has proven he will swindle a church without a second thought. He cheated Houston’s “Community Temple Church of God In Christ in a grant scam. A civil court ordered him to pay the church $21,293 in August 2021. He lost his appeal in December 2021. As of summer of 2022, Dunn had still not complied with the court order to repay the church. “He hasn’t paid us a dime,” Bishop Kurt Thompson of Community Temple told me in June of 2022.
Anybody attending this event for “continuing education credit” better check with the Texas Education Agency to see if these credits are legit. Dunn did 33 months in federal prison for cheating the federal government, people with disabilities, and veterans.
Tell any Texas office of the FBI that this event offers an excellent, in-person opportunity to discuss with Dunn his 6 PPP loans — totaling $310,000.
My personal favorite of the six is Dunn’s “Black Republicans of Brazoria County.”
This 501(c)(3) “charity” seems to have received — in the entirety of its existence — $15,750 in revenue. All of that $15,750 come from a single Texas legislator: Rep. David Mayes Middleton, R-Galveston County, Texas. And yet, Dunn managed to swing a forgivable $62,500 PPP loan out of his $15,000 charity, declaring that it employed six people. LOL.
Here’s the handsome young legislator who was generous to the criminal Dunn. Somebody local should ask Middleton about Dunn. I couldn’t get him to answer.
It’s all right here, anti-grifter Texans and pro-Texas reporters
My goal is to keep this very short. But the vast grifter enterprise that is James Dunn — past, present, and presumably future — takes enormous space to document. So if you need back-up for anything, you can find it here, in exhaustive timeline form.
This is also useful, I think.
Enjoy, Texans. I’m glad James Dunn is back to being your problem, rather than ours here in Polk County; but I’m also here to help you end him as a problem there, too. So don’t hesitate to reach out.