Top 10 criminal fraud, church-cheating, and Russian agent-related facts about Polk's crazy School Board challengers
The malicious stupidity of my county's insane, hateful, anti-public school slate of criminal-supporting School Board challengers must be compiled to be believed.
Sometimes, you just have to let flaming apocalypse Elmo take stock.
There are so many criminal and criminal adjacent factoids crashing like meteors into the campaigns of Polk County anti-public education School Board challengers Jill Sessions, Rick Nolte, and Terry Clark that it’s hard to catalogue all the carnage. I’m going to try, very briefly:
On the recommendation of the so-called County Citizens Defending Freedom (CCDF), they hired a Texas-based campaign manager named James Dunn, who is a convicted felon fraudster of veterans and people with disabilities; a church-cheater actively defying two Texas court orders; and a collector of 6 PPP different loans totaling $311,000, none of which he has used to pay back the church he defrauded.
The Polk County State Attorney’s Office is reportedly investigating these texts.
In light of that, I think this newly revealed July 8 email from candidate Terry Clark, which helpfully mentions “Jill Sessions” and “Rick Nolte” by name, is what’s commonly referred to as “evidence” by political professionals.
As mentioned above, well after his “rehabilitation,” the Texas-based, convicted felon Dunn also cheated Houston's Community Temple Church of God in Christ circa 2019. He lost a civil trial and was ordered to pay the church $21,293 in August 2021 for defrauding it. Dunn lost his appeal in December 2021, less than a year ago. As of July 16th, Dunn still had not complied with the court order and repaid the church. “He hasn’t paid us a dime,” said Bishop Kurt Thompson.
Dunn has failed to repay the church despite the fact that six of his companies collected a total of $310,000 in questionable PPP loans in 2020 and 2021. One of the entities, “Black Republicans of Brazoria County,” got $62,500 to protect 6 jobs for a charity whose annual revenue is capped by law at $50,000.
Not one member of the CCDF slate of candidates or the CCDF itself, which often profess so-called traditional, Christian values, has condemned or publicly cuts ties with Dunn, their church-cheating convicted felon political consultant. Terry Clark has stopped answering my texts. Rick Nolte showed up as a guest at my Kiwanis Club today and starting railing against climate change or something.
The CCDF itself calls Dunn: “a wonderful example for the minority community of redemption and success coming out of our correctional system.”
A key donor to Sessions and Clark, George O’Neill of Lake Wales is a Rockefeller heir who worked closely with Maria Butina, a convicted illegal Russian agent, to set up “friendship dinners” with Russian officials. See below from Peter Schorsch and Florida Politics.

Key excerpt from Florida Politics:
Lake Wales Rockefeller heir George O’Neill Jr. was revealed as one of the contacts of Maria Butina, who was convicted in 2018 of acting as a secret Russian foreign agent. He was named “U.S. Person 2” in court documents.
The Wall Street Journal reported O’Neill and Butina talked about hosting “friendship dinners” with Russian officials. O’Neill hosted such an event in February 2017.
According to court documents, Butina told O’Neill, who has not been accused of wrongdoing, that “all we need is yes from (Vladimir) Putin’s side. The rest is easier.” The Journal described that conversation as “an apparent effort to relay approval from the Russian government of a U.S-Russian back channel through events like the dinner.”
All of this is true. I swear.
I’m sure there are more facts; but perhaps this makes it easier to digest.
Interesting information....
Until Republicans prove otherwise, we have to assume this is a feature of the party.