Canady as house speaker!! Really hope I'm dead when that happens. She is a complete nepo pol goper.

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Public Enemy Billy is on a hot streak and he is right on time: Are Florida women (and men who believe in women's equality) going to let the forced-birth crowd -- who keep the state's purse closed tightly when kids are in need, such as the federal summer food program turned down by Dee the Decider -- continue their Taliban-like program for women and kids?

Florida continues to have high maternal and infant mortality death rates. You'd think this would be of concern to the Florida Taliban, but they're cheap -- preferring to hand out tax breaks and various concessions to wealthy contributors than to provide a little assistance to the newly born and their mothers.

Had to snort, though, reading the amount of campaign money spent on the backwoods backwards cutout Mr. Pedi. You'd think Supreme Court justice Canady would be a bit concerned at Pedi's haul as Canady has always been a tightwad during his looooooooong years feeding at the government trough.

Also, thanks to PE #1 for the electoral update on BPJ, the damsel who had local law enforcement cowering due to her panty-wadding throwing prowess.

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Where are all of the commentators?

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These White Women Republicans are the "holier than thou" bunch and need to be stopped. If it's abortion this year it will be the freedom to access contraceptives next year. Think that can't happen? It's in the Project 2025 Hitler Handbook. It's bad enough the Florida Dept of No-Education, run by Manny Dumbass, can't even approve Sex Education for HIGH SCHOOL students!! Will they be satisfied when the teen pregnancy rates balloons? Probably, because they are the next wave of workers for the Republican donor base. They are single handedly ruining Florida!

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Republicans are as transparent as Saran Wrap in their quest to fulfill the needs of the Heritage Foundation, The Foundation for Government Accountability, The Cicero Group and other Right Wing Nut-Bag groups. Here comes the Anti Brown people brigade and need to fill ranks left by fleeing immigrants. Kids working longer hours, higher dropout rates and lower educated people all because of these Republican, Whites only propaganda. The Replacement Theory lives rent free in the heads of people like Stephen Miller and Dirty Bannon.

To the Women on this thread: Talk to your daughters, nieces, grand-daughters, friends, neighbors and encourage them to get signed up to vote. If ever there was a year to reject the hate that comes from the mouth of Republicans like Canady and her idiot husband, this is it. Protect your right to govern your own body. Don't let old white Republicans take it from you. You have no excuse in NOT voting this year. When Democrats stayed home in Florida in 2022, we were left with the train wreck called Ron and you can see the damage he has done. Stop the assault!! Say it...."I'm with Kamela"!!!

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