Ah yes, now MTG says that "liberals" control the weather. Wasn't it last year or the year before that it was Jewish Space Lazers that caused wildfires? Schizophrenics do have weird reasoning patterns.

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You are correct. See how much more PRODUCTIVE a civil conversation between Musk and Buttigieg was than all this overheated political rhetoric. PROPS to Buttigieg for calling Musk up and talking about the situation. You are also correct that Musk should have called him first before going OFF with his own rhetoric. BUT I'll tell you from personal experience the LEFT is VERY MUCH guilty of engaging in this very same overheated rhetoric and may be worse. I get cussed out by both the right and the left quite a bit, so I'm familiar with the rhetoric on both sides. We have both been guilty of it ourselves, but in the end, we've also both shown ourselves willing to dialogue. Again big props to Buttigieg for picking up the phone. A rare skill these days.

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It is not the libs lying about the response and/or saying the weather itself is a conspiracy. But I can assure you that if none of that happens with Milton, you won’t have to listen to me address it.

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No, but liberal CNN reported that Trump "fell down" after hearing "loud noises." And Rachel Maddow speculated about Putin turning off the power in North Dakota after the lie about the Russians knocking out the power plant in Vermont. Crap like that on both sides isn't helpful. A line of Trivia we love to run is what President spent the most Reagan, Clinton or Carter. The Right wingers firmly believe that Clinton or Carter was the big spending President. Gets 'em every time. This stuff is very common on both sides and ot helpful. Best wishes with this upcoming Hurricane. My Mom and Dad got wiped out up in Taylor County.

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I’m sorry to hear about your parents. Taylor county Florida?

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Oct 7Liked by Billy Townsend

It's a tough break. Thank You. We just have to start over up there. Now we're worried about here as I know ya'll are.

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“Liberal CNN” is not an elected official or a presidential candidate — or “liberal” — lol. You are going to drown in your reflexive both sides-ism. Yes we dirty libs always are the reason for everything.

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Just own what you are. Or don’t. Al. Don’t lie or spin conspiracies and yon won’t have to hear me talk about it. You know I don’t lie about these things .

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Like I said, my plea is likely vain.

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OK. I'm convinced. CNN is not Liberal. And Fox is "Fair and Balanced" too. And liberals have never engaged in overheated rhetoric about anything. And it's all my fault as a filthy right winger. Not going to argue about this today. I test out slightly left of center and slightly Libertarian on the political test. About as near center as you can get. But it's us dirty right wingers fault. You know the both sides isms are called Independents. Hated by both sides, yet both sides need their votes. I hate your guts, but please vote for me.

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Al a lot of my feeling about this is being an elected official — and leading publicly — during several very real crisis, ie aftermath of Parkland, Irma, COVID, etc. I never lied to anyone; I never tried to exploit anyone; I gave everything I had to try to balance everybody’s point of view and make clear good faith decisions and commutations. It’s the basic duty of a public leader — as I was. I never demonized anybody. In short I took my responsibilities to the public (all the public) seriously. To see people who obviously do not — who see disaster and trouble as opportunity to harm people and manipulate them — is beneath contempt. You’re talking about CNN v Fox for some reason which has nothing to do with a leader’s responsibility to his or her community. And I prolly thrown out of office for trying to balance all points of view in COVID. I also helped save some people’s lives and give kids options both in schools and at home. So this conversation is about being serious.

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Sorry to hear about your folks. It looks like Taylor will be spared this time. As to CNN being liberal, that is highly debatable, and the accusations about Maddow and N Dakota were debunked by both the VOA and Wikileaks. She was speaking in hypotheticals in response in response to Russian threats to freeze Europe and the US. I don’t know what Vermont refers to but I suspect it’s also false.

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I don't think it's debatable at all. No more than it's debatable at all. Any more than that Fox is conservative. I could sit here and try to bull shit you and say it's fair and balanced. But that would be preposterous. You believe the Steele Dossier? Where's the evidence that the Prostitutes pissed the bed for Donald Trump. One of the most embarrassing episodes in American History. The whole Russia-gate hoax as a matter of fact. Rachel Maddow asked "what would you and your family do"? You should be able to tell from the context that I never said she reported that it already happened. Good job knocking down that straw man. The single fact that CNN actually reported that Trump "fell down" after some "noises" should tell you that they aren't doing a good job and they aren't unbiased. But whatever. If ya'll think that's good unbiased reporting, then great. If somebody reported that JFK's "developed a headache" after "loud noises" would you think that was good unbiased reporting. You ought to hear yourself.

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I think all cable news is useless which is why I don’t watch. So stop projecting on to me. This is not a debate I care about. It’s your thing, Al. Fox lies about people much more than any other. And Trump is a demented and declining old confessed rapist and liar. I don’t need any news service to tell me what I can observe

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Of course Fox are big fat liars. I don't watch it either. Not going to change your mind on Trump. If women letting you grope them is rape, I'm a rapist and so are you. I know. It's impossible that women were throwing it out there for a divorced billionaire. Nevertheless, his personal lifestyle is pretty indefensible.

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