Brilliant. Please keep us updated on your new caste status. Many years ago when Crist was governor and a Republican, I was nominated to a mostly meaningless and powerless advisory board for which I was unquestionably qualified. The first question on the application form was party affiliation and sadly I was disqualified. The position went to some party hack with no experience in the applicable field. Had I recognized then that I was of the lower caste, I might have made the same decision you did. Who knows where I would be today. Perhaps grifting as a trustee at one of our universities or maybe on the Disney board. At my age now, though, I’m content to remain with my fellow Dalits.

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I confess I do not fully understand what you wrote but I do comprehend and applaud the essence of it. I happen to be someone who believes that amendments 3 and 4 have the power to bring unexpected numbers to the polls in November. There lies my hopes.

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This worked very well for the Whigs in the South. After they failed and the South became a one party system, they all joined the Democrats and created all kinds of chaos before during and after the Civil War for the Democrats. Which is the only political move left when you become a one party state. However, I wouldn't make this move without some introspection on what the Democrats may have done wrong to allow the Republicans to take over a former Purple state. As a former NPA you MAY be capable of that. Democrats are totally incapable of introspection at this point. Contempt for people who work with their hands is a big mistake. Democrats act like Black people and Hispanics are all on welfare. Nope. They work just like everyone else. So this elitist contempt for working people is not helping. You may say that contempt doesn't exist. In a way it doesn't matter. The PERCEPTIOIN is out there and it is hurting Democrats in Florida. Does Rick Scott or Desantis care about working people? Hell no. But Trump is MASKING the Republicans' own weaknesses. Again, I may be wrong on all this. But that's not the point. That is the PERCEPTION. And in politics perception IS reality.

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A lot going on in that comment -- much of it silly.

But I would say that when you say this, "Contempt for people who work with their hands is a big mistake.", what you actually mean is "Contempt for men ... " -- which would make an interesting discussion. So say that if that's what you mean. Teachers and nurses and artists labor constantly with their hands. Do you think Democrats have contempt for them?

And I can tell you clearly how Florida went from "purple" (wasn't really) to "red." Lots of old white people with pensions and 401Ks moved here for a retirement vacation. That's prolly the most concentrated "conservative" voting bloc in America, coupled with a north Florida population that is basically Alabama.

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Retirees have been coming here since the 1920s. What's killing Florida now are the current generations of retirees, white Boomers and Generation Jones. Their narcissistic impulses fit neatly in the current GOP culture. They love their money and their toys. Of course, Florida was always conservative, but not necessarily in the same way as other Deep South states. Florida is complicated and peculiar. Take the Latino population for example. The pre-Castro Cubans in Tampa despised the post-Castro exiles. Younger white Cubans today have totally integrated into white society and are not as conservative as their parents. Go to South Florida and you will meet kids with hyphenated names like Lopez-Goldstein. Venezuelens will go the same route as the Cubans. Mexicans and Central Americans have a tougher time integrating. Puerto Ricans are resentful of the Cubans who received benefits from the state and feds that were not given to them even though they are US citizens. I'll stop there. My point being that Florida is complicated.

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Yez. Great point. Contempt for MEN who work with their hands I suppose. Nationally that works out to an 8 point lead for Trump among women and a 12 point lead among men. Even accounting for a slight advantage for women in the voting booth, that makes Trump a favorite to win the Presidency if the election were held today. Talk about silly. North Florida didn't just join the state, nor did retirees just start moving to Florida in 2016. If you really want a discussion, let's talk about the PERCEPTION among Cubans and Venezuelans that the Democrats aren't just a little liberal, but a little Red. That has been a huge part of why Florida has moved pretty solidly into the Republican Camp. See it's not about hating Trump or even my silly ideas. It's about the fact that the Democrats, a party you probably would like to at least be competitive in the state has completely run aground here. And another silly idea I have is that a competitive 2 party system is better than 1 party rule.

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I don’t care if democrats are competitive in Florida. Florida is actually irrelevant to America’s future, as I’ve written before. It’s not irrelevant to my future or my family’s, and we have a pretty good record of making things a little better for everybody when we can. That’s what I’m gonna do. I’m not gonna waste time raging at forces I can’t affect. Also Your polling is off. I don’t put much stock in polling, but the polling averages are at least tied. And most have Biden leading. Big movement by independents since the conviction. Karl rove even said Biden winning on Fox. We’ll see. I’m prepared either way. So don’t lol to me to save you from a dictator if you don’t actually want the dictator or all the unproductive billionaires any more. Also, as a man, I’m not afraid of strong women with power or working with my hands or taking responsibility and community. I don’t need Joe Rogan’s roids or Jordan Peterson’s sobbing to be a man. Men should look themselves in the mirror and ask why they’re paralyzed

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What you mean by "strong women" with power is hatred for white men. Not only is not a winning strategy to hate people, but some of these men have wives who don't enjoy seeing them degraded in the public square. If you don't think Florida has a future, then why don't you get the hell out? There are a lot of men, women, gays, straights, hispanic, black and whites etc who do think Florida is relevant and live and work here. This kind of divisive politics has no place here and people sense it. Your plumber or electrician isn't paralyzed. He(usually) is working his ass off.

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This is a caste-based fantasy: "What you mean by "strong women" with power is hatred for white men." It illustrates my point nicely. I'm a white man. My mother, my wife, my daughter, my aunts, my bosses, my employees don't hate me. All strong women. I take care of my responsibilities. I don't need to control women's bodies. I don't degrade anyone. You lie and say I and others do. I can't do anything at all about your lies. All i can do is fight for the future I want. I can't influence you; I can't make you more responsible or honest. I have a son in the marine corps and another who is truck driver/security specialist, so yeah I hate working class men. Sure. I've answered this question multiple times in great detail: "If you don't think Florida has a future, then why don't you get the hell out?" You will agree I've answered this question in excruciating detail man times? If not, if you're too lazy to even read before commenting, then you illustrate the kind of manhood I don't respect -- and isn't worthy of respect. But keep up your indulgent caste fantasies. Maybe you'll get to subjugate us all. Also, Florida is losing its skilled, native working class population to massive outmigration because its too expensive, etc. It's being replaced for now only by olds and the immigrants you hate. But that won'r last forever.

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This is what you want to believe about me and others. It's wish-casting. "What you mean by "strong women" with power is hatred for white men." But you wanting to believe it doesn't make it true. But I also understand that I can never convince you -- or your dudes -- to look in the mirror. Your sense of victimization and grievance is too important to your being. My goal is to work within that reality to create beneficial competition. If you actually took the time to process what I actually say, you would notice that I've taken your critiques to their logical end. I agree with your point about perception and reality, which is why I became a GOPer. You're desperate for me to stay in a caste that lets you say stupid fake shit about me in the service of "a two-party system." Sorry not playing that game.

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Wow! You have given me a lot to think about.

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In a way you are operationalizing the long despised but heretofore poorly defined RINO. The challenge to the "caste leadership" is that it takes energy to try to identify and eject pretenders, and may not be worth taking the numbers hit when arguing their "strength". Kind of like, what can the Catholic Church call the self-identified believers who haven't attended Mass in 20 years? Catholics.

If opposition wants to take you on they have to make a case that your behavior isn't very "Republican", but they don't get to claim that they can see into your soul and find you a heretic. Carry on!...

(Hey Mom, what does a RINO look like?)

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