The Orlando Sentinel posted the "rebuttal" by the lady from Jacksonville of your opinion piece to its Facebook page on May 20 at 5:59pm. As of May 22 at 8:15am, there is no public engagement with the post (i.e. likes, comments, direct shares). Amazing.

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Thank you for your efforts on this matter. I have been involved in the current national and state testing system in the US for some 8 years. As a teacher of children for the past 59 years I have found it administration and use to be a massive form of institutional child abuse that leaves many of its victims damaged and diminished beyond repair after four or five years. We are sowing the seeds of social dysfunction and harvesting the foul fruit in greater amounts each year. I have concluded that the only route to remediation is a series of class action lawsuits brought against the perpetrators in each state.

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Great post! We need more in-depth critiques of Florida's disastrous education (and other) policies. Keep it coming!

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