Is there is an AI translator that can make sense of Corcoran's incoherent ramblings to his faculty? And I thought nothing could be worse than Trump's "weave." I guess I was wrong.

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The bulk of Corcoran's salary is coming from the New College Foundation. But it is unclear, based on published budgets, what is the funding source within the Foundation. It's not clear if funds restricted for scholarships, endowed faculty positions, etc., are being misdirected to his salary, Also of note is that the endowment spending rate at New College Foundation is out of whack with the practices at the other state universities: a greater percentage of endowment growth goes to Foundation administration, and a smaller percentage goes to the restricted programs.

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Does NCF still require a publication-quality thesis?

Does it still send more than 80% of graduates to med/vet/law/grad school?

Do the school's top executives still have terminal degrees and refereed publications?

Or were intellectual productivity and excellence part of the set of WOKE concepts that had to be eradicated?

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