Thanks Cyndi. I wasn’t aware of that.

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For those thinking "what can I do right now," here is a link to a petition on change.org asking for Leo's case to be transferred to a Conviction Integrity Unit for independent review. https://chng.it/gXgYbxKcYQ

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'Bone Valley' is the most important podcast I have ever heard.  It should be required listening for every Floridian.  The criminal "justice" system is irreparably broken in Florida.  Credible estimates are that at least 20% of the inmates in Florida's prisons are innocent of the crimes that sent them there.  Leo Schofield case may be the most clearly egregious, but it is far from singular.  I imagine that this is why most Florida prosecutors refuse to ever admit to any mistakes.  They fear that if that dam were to leak even a little, the resulting flood of actual justice would consume them.  It certainly should.

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I am a FIERCE DEFENDER of correcting and overturning judicial errors, whether done by mistake/error, but especially those done deliberately by guilt. This qualified immunity of law enforcement, Prosecutors, and judges NEEDS TO END if the abuse of the judicial system is ever to be rectified and wrongful convictions overturned, else there will continue to be abuse of the poorer citizens and blockages of wrongful convictions overturning!!!

This grandstanding of a state just trying to SAVE FACE must stop!!! All it is, is that the State just does NOT want to FALL ON ITS OWN SWORD and admit that they were wrong by mistake or corruption, so they will continue to dig in their heels- doing whatever it takes- even if that means EXECUTING A PERSON or keeping that person in JAIL FOR LIFE!!

These cases are quite SICKENING and DEBILATING to witness!

It's unfortunate if one finds themselves tangled up in a STATE'S DECEITFUL WEB, it becomes almost impossible for one to free themselves!!!

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Someone should start a petition to also have Hills son removed from his position. He isn’t doing anything to rectify his father’s mistakes so that makes him just as complacent and ignorant. They’re both sickening. They don’t care whose life they’re destroying as long as they go home to their families and they sleep well in their own beds

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I just read the son's background and his experience and qualifications to be a circuit judge, he was WOEFULLY UNQUALIFIED. It's obvious he was given that job to ultimately follow in his father's footsteps.

Kathleen Zellner says the most IMPORTANT part of someone's trial is having a trial judge with KNOWLEDGE, FAIRNESS and INTEGRITY!!! That makes the WORLD OF DIFFERENCE!!!

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When kids follow in their parents' footsteps, they tend to carry on their parents' legacy- whether GOOD or BAD, so it's NOT surprising that he's DUPLICATING his fathe'rs CORRUPT and WORTHLESS STEPS!!!

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