How does a person with a history of violence and trained by the government in the use of firearms and etc. walk from a proven charge of possessing a machine gun as a civilian? You would think Grady Judd would be apoplectic that this occurred in his otherwise peaceable kingdom. Or, does Grady just not want to tangle with a male perp, preferring to go after handkerchief-dropping women?

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None of those made for YouTube pressers that Grady loves doing? Those "tough on crime" theatrics? Sheriffs need to get off the TV schedule and actually police the land they are responsible for.

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Actually the Pollock Doolin family has contributed a lot. A lot of food for a 100 years in cattle and citrus. Of course the elites don't consider that a REAL contribution. You have to be part of the chattering classes to have value. Also, Sam Doolin's account of what happened at the traffic stop was accurate. Much more accurate than what the Highway Patrol and Deputy said. The video is out. They seemed to have a preconceived script in hand for that one. In addition he was correct about the Orange Triangle on a farm vehicle. The window wouldn't roll down on that truck. Cops riding in Air Conditioned vehicles don't know about old farm trucks, but they exist and my Dad went to court years ago and won that exact case. I can hear the laughter all the way from your gentrified neighborhood at us stupid yocals who work in farming, grocery stores, restaurants and trucking. Too many white males for your taste, right? Not condoning people getting angry and acting out just because of a stolen election.

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Spoken like a true lover of lynch mobs and illegal machine guns. Go run for office on the “I love lynch mobs” platform. Let’s compete on that, loser.

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You know, this isn't 1923. It just isn't. I know you are still living that and I get it. But it isn't. Even with no security to speak of, the worst thing that happened was some guy put his feet up on Pelosi's desk. And they shot an unarmed woman who could have been taken into custody when and if she came through the window. Why aren't you still raising hell about the Puerto Rican nationalists carried machine guns into the Capitol and carried on a WAR in 1964? They should be at least white enough to still be drawing ire from you over that. No?

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I should not have to clarify this because you already know it — when I was referring to the Doolin/Pollock klan of violent people, I was referring to the group that actively took part in J6 violence and/or pleaded no contest and was found guilty for illegal machine gun possession.

you hate your fellow (lib) citizens — who don’t hate you — because you want to imagine them as looking down on you. They/we don’t. But you’ve been at war with us for a decade. You expect us to say we wronged you and had it coming. Nope. Own your choices and your wars. Stop blaming everybody else for being mean. Life’s hard.

I carry on lots of conversations with people I don’t respect. And I don’t lie about people, unlike you who cannot stop lying about me. Endlessly saying I believe things I don’t. And have biases I demonstrably don’t. Lying about people is among the worst things anybody can do in my view. It a character weakness; and I do look down on you for that. For your endless lying; not the work you did or do. So don’t flatter yourself over the reasons for my disrespect. Lying is not a trait of any class.

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Perhaps I'm guilty of mischaracterizing who you are. That is certainly something YOU are guilty of. So maybe that makes two of us. I have just always seen you as a conservative(small c) who defends the Establishment in this country whether they are doing a good job or not. I don't think they are doing a good job and haven't for a long time. Doesn't make you or me sorry people. You're picture of me as some guy living in a trailer who is too lazy to work and mad at the world that I'm not one of the rich is actually pretty damned far off the mark. Perhaps my image of you as a gentrified defender of the Establishment is a little off the mark as well. But that's the difference between me and you. I'm willing to admit human fallibility. You. You're perfect. And perfect people are seldom the very best people. There are actually decent people who are flawed human beings like myself. Like I said. I won't be bugging you further. I'm willing to engage with people I disagree with, but when it gets personal and we get angry it's time to rest it.

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Quote a misrepresentation. I will always address that, which you know. But you gotta quote what I write, not assert what I believe.

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And I’m not talking about comments …. Where every body talks in shorthand. But go ahead, quote something here to.

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Fair enough.

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The dead and maimed police officers would disagree. My son is literally a truck driver, you fake working class dipshit. Your tired self pity is pathetic and deserving of contempt, not laughter. You want the god given right to be a lazy and shitty man. So go be one

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I’m proud to still live in the 2000-sq ft house my wife and I bought in 1999. Worked hard every day and raised a family in it. You resent that for some reason. Weird

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You wouldn't have lasted a day doing my job at Publix with a list of health problems a mile long. One day with Deep Vein Blood clots in your leg would have put you out my friend. I don't have to explain myself to you. Let's face it. If I agreed with your opinion on everything instead of most things, all would be forgiven. So make no mistake. That's the REAL rub.

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You express your personal grind against me every day. Lie about me constantly. All the people you need to imagine I look down on. I’ve lost all respect you, personally, Al — not whatever social class you imagine yourself the wronged hero of. Your entire existence would collapse if you were forced to consider the reality of who i am and what i do. You need your grievances to live. Fine. But Don’t expect me to respect that. You have infinitely more contempt for your fellow citizens than than we do for you. And somehow it’s our fault

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Mostly, you're doing God's work as I've said before. But attacking a whole family over the actions of a segment of the family is the kind of stuff that ticks me off. BUT hey, you're pretty far left and there's enough hard left and monied arrogance together to make a pretty potent cocktail of hate.

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