Also Al, spare me your sanctimony. You do nothing to protect any kind of life. Your “pro-life” nonsense is just a way for pretend to some sort of moral superiority you’ve never demonstrated. The rest of us don’t go around saying, “oh look at us, we’re so pro-life.” It’s all bullshit. We just do the best we can. Whatever you call yourself to flatter yourself is meaningless moral vanity.

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Miscarriages are so very, very common that law enforcement will be run ragged documenting them. Who is going to certify that a miscarriage was spontaneous- the sheriff? Does he have any expertise at all on the subject? Maybe he will send a deputy for "training" but from whom? Wouldn't it conflict with HIPAA for a doctor to have to report his patients' pregnancies? The leaders of these forced birthers never intended, nor did they want Roe to be declared unconstitutional. This was an issue manufactured to bring votes to their party. Now they don't know how to back out! This is all a valuable lesson on why privacy rights are important and that some things just are beyond the government's ability to regulate.

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The ballot initiative will be a defining moment for FL voters and bodily autonomy. We, the people will have the last word regarding abortion in our state. The bans, misinformation and GOP rhetoric will be in our past. I urge everyone to get involved with the initiative, Polk County still needs signatures.

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I know women in Florida that have been forced to give birth. They gave birth and put them up for adoption. The adoption agency made a lot of money and we have unwanted children who are deemed “ defective “ that no one wants. What a mess.

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Contrast this issue with the policy of the state to impose banning masks and vaccines. Lying and manipulating true fact. Now we have forced government mass reinfections. Also I am a RN having worked with women in Labor and Delivery. Now the state steps in between a woman and a MD who has forced governmental births. I am sure they will force very young women to give birth in cases of rape. These people are dangerous and what about our rights? These people will not stop what’s next?

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As usual you make some good points. There is only no pro-life community in your mind, because you deny the scientific consensus that a baby is a separate human life. The pro-lifers are making a politically realistic compromise my setting a time limit. Obviously it's more humane killing a less developed child than an older one in the womb where they feel pain. As Abraham Lincoln said, "if I could preserve the Union by freeing some slave and leaving others in bondage I would do that". Politics is the art of the possible, not an ideological pure crusade all the time. Yes, pro-lifers are being logically inconsistent to get what the voters will support.

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Realism is why they passed a 6-week ban they’re running from and seem to welcome the referendum that undoes what they seem to want? That’s not compromise

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