The Tallahassee Mafia rules again. Florida is run by a handful of thieves, tightly connected yet given free reign by the House and Senate. Nice going thieves!

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Esquire has picked up the story.

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My wife and I almost died from laughter reading the DeSantis faux denial that he was not “necessarily” involved in the hiring. Hey, maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t. Who knows?

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This really explains the high visibility cruelty that Corcoran orders and approves of. Painting over student murals (when the students are still at the college), cutting down all the old trees in a loved natural corner of campus. I guess he didn't quite have the courage for a book bonfire- or maybe he thought a night action wouldn't be quite as visible.

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New College Corcoran has a new take on library book drops -- boom, into the landfill.

Next thing we know it might be drop-off ballot boxes.

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Bryan Griffin (the dog in the Desantis organization) is a real piece of work. Jeremy Redfern is another. How people can vote for this party of A-holes is beyond me.

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