Your clarity on this is perfect. I keep asking myself, what are they really trying to achieve?

Do they want men to have much less reproductive sex and take more responsibility for creating life?

Do they want all people to have less sex and will start educating children at a much younger age about abstinence?

Do they simply want more babies to be born and so they will incentivize birth and child rearing? Do they support mandatory paid maternity leave? Free childcare and full-year school calendars? Housing vouchers? Any other ideas to share the burdens and cost of raising children?

Do they simply want to be sure that ugly and/or mean men are able to become fathers?

What is their endgame and why are they so intent and focused on other peoples' sexual behavior, personal decision-making and medical intervention?

How do they reconcile with medical doctors who swore an oath to do no harm and provide care to save lives - even the lives of pregnant girls?

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P.S. So who wants to tell all 9 yr-old girls in FL to start keeping track of blood in their panties with a govt-approved digital calendar & to pee into a pregnancy test kit EVERY 4 WEEKS?

Just in case they need to stop being pregnant. +Who pays for test kits?

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“They want your blood”. Geez Billy, this is just irresponsible. You actually believe that blood is what Canady is after? You have so little imagination that you can’t believe that most people in the pro life movement are pro life because they think that the fetus has the same dignity and worth as any other person?

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Offer a real peace backed by action that impose on the invaders or pick a side in the war. Those are your options. If you find me the irresponsible one for protecting the women I love against gross violence and intrusion, you do not have to read me.

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Also, I read you because I respect you for the way that you stand up for teachers and students in this state and oppose the brutal and stupid educational machine that Florida employs. But if you think you’re going to win a “war” by alienating your readers, you might want to study up on your Sun Tzu.

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I have never worried at all about alienating readers and voters by telling them the viscerally honest truth of what I observe. Alienation is their/your choice. And I've done OK in my battles, although I appreciate your concern.

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Do you think that your readers take your claim, “They want your blood,” at face value, or do you think they understand you to mean, “I find these people to prioritize fetal life over the wholistic health of their citizens to a degree that verges on brutality.”

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I have a suggestion. How about you go address all my points about blood with Jennifer Canady. And if she does not want blood, that should be easy. If you're unwilling to take any action about all this blood, I have to conclude you want blood and absolution, at the same time. You won't get it here.

And I won't abstract anything to make you feel better about yourself. You will have to work out your relationship with what I write. When I write a thing, I mean it, unless I retract it. Your reaction, like all readers, is your concern, not mine, to work out for yourself. This is a free website you do not have to visit. But I'm pretty constant and open and will remain so.

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“Let’s play global thermonuclear war.”

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