"Atypical wage gap stubbornly persisted ..." is the Groundhog Day of economic news in America's least affordable state, where power hates paying people to work more than it pretends to hate "woke."
Who moves to Florida? An outsized percentage of retirees. How much to do retirees spend? Next to nothing. Where is Florida? The middle of the US. No, it's down in the lower Southeast. Where transportation costs are high. Florida has always had a problem with low wages. When you have an unlimited supply of labor from folks moving into the state, while the working population is is tied up serving retirees. Trying to lure industry? Our Post-secondary education is pretty good and Improving. Our Primary and secondary continues to lag. Anywhere below Tallahassee has a built in disadvantage for freight competitiveness. We're not Tennessee. All southern states have plenty of something called southerners. And many, like me, place a premium on leisure not money. Many don't. But many do. Give us 5 acres and a mobile home with a big huge shop and we're happy as can be. Is that wrong? I don't know, but it's not changing anytime soon. Last, Florida is nowhere near the most expensive place to live compared to wges. Hawaii takes that by a mile. Most studies put Florida right in the middle. 28-33 Yes, like you I would love to see improvement. That article that declared Florida the most expensive state and then only used statistics from Miami is dishonest trash. I'm just giving you the factors that make it an uphill battle. Not impossible, but uphill. Florida has a long history of boom and bust real estate. When the boom is in full swing, yes, that crimps affordability. And so does the bust. Yeah, you've showed me some reasons to be unhappy with the Governor. None of these politicians are God that's for sure. But that guy from Tallahassee wasn't the answer that the Democrats put up. If the rich people in America start putting up better candidates, then we'll have better government.
Exactly and Florida is actually a slave state because they make it to where no one can ever gain a living while working any job here or even working 2 full-time jobs. That's why it's not worth moving to Florida because you will only be working for only the economys own growth and gain.
Who moves to Florida? An outsized percentage of retirees. How much to do retirees spend? Next to nothing. Where is Florida? The middle of the US. No, it's down in the lower Southeast. Where transportation costs are high. Florida has always had a problem with low wages. When you have an unlimited supply of labor from folks moving into the state, while the working population is is tied up serving retirees. Trying to lure industry? Our Post-secondary education is pretty good and Improving. Our Primary and secondary continues to lag. Anywhere below Tallahassee has a built in disadvantage for freight competitiveness. We're not Tennessee. All southern states have plenty of something called southerners. And many, like me, place a premium on leisure not money. Many don't. But many do. Give us 5 acres and a mobile home with a big huge shop and we're happy as can be. Is that wrong? I don't know, but it's not changing anytime soon. Last, Florida is nowhere near the most expensive place to live compared to wges. Hawaii takes that by a mile. Most studies put Florida right in the middle. 28-33 Yes, like you I would love to see improvement. That article that declared Florida the most expensive state and then only used statistics from Miami is dishonest trash. I'm just giving you the factors that make it an uphill battle. Not impossible, but uphill. Florida has a long history of boom and bust real estate. When the boom is in full swing, yes, that crimps affordability. And so does the bust. Yeah, you've showed me some reasons to be unhappy with the Governor. None of these politicians are God that's for sure. But that guy from Tallahassee wasn't the answer that the Democrats put up. If the rich people in America start putting up better candidates, then we'll have better government.
Exactly and Florida is actually a slave state because they make it to where no one can ever gain a living while working any job here or even working 2 full-time jobs. That's why it's not worth moving to Florida because you will only be working for only the economys own growth and gain.