From today's Sayfie Report -- two top-flight Florida journalists take shots at Sheriff Judd on X

anaceballos_ Not believed: Charged with filing false report, Polk teen captured own evidence during rape https://t.co/zZqaf33zGL

43 minutes ago | Reply | Re-X

MaryEllenKlas Polk County Sheriff didn’t believe her foster father raped her, so she gathered the evidence herself when he did it again. Sickening police work. This sheriff is the political prop for FL gov and GOP legislators. Instead, they should be investigating him...

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I know both of them. Good to see

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Heather Cox Richardson, a BU historian, has a daily free blog based on her studies in US history and she has detailed before how from the Gilded Age to the Great Depression there were financial despots like Elon Musk who have brought the economy down.

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Felatio with a mic. No words.

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