I am no fan of Bridget or Christian. I've spoken many times at school board meetings and had published LTE against her policies and questioned her conflict of interest, school board and head of the Leadership Institute. However, these accusations don't quite pass the smell test. Dirty tricks are alive and well. Easy to accuse. Difficult to prove. However, the damage is done. Suppose they are found innocent. The initial schadenfreud may backfire.

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That’s why I said she should explain how it’s all a lie. Resign or explain is the title of the piece

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Of course you're right. I don't follow social media so don't know if she's said anything.

I did "hear"? that this has been suspected? known? for quite some time.

What a world!! For some of us it's just too good to be true. But we're hoping ;-)

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Affidavits don’t lie. They ARE the smell test. Bridget’s sworn testimony speaks for itself. A few that publicly supported her initially said they were waiting for her affidavit. Shes crystal clear in her statement and the defenders are no longer talking to the media.

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Dear other Bridget, the one :-) Our paths have crossed regarding school board stuff. Thanks for all you do. Unfortunately, I'm not on social media so unless someone alerts me I'm always a bit late to the game. Had not heard about her affidavit. Hypocrisy unbound!

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Did you hear the 911 call? Why would you think it doesn't pass the 'smell test'? They got his phone. If there weren't videos, they wouldn't have gotten a subpoena. Based on the call, I do believe this is true, but innocent until proven guilty.

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Did not hear the 911 call. Have no idea what's on his phone. Do not use social media. I'm 90 and remember when we could trust and believe. Sadly, I have become totally paranoid. I no longer believe what I hear or see. It's saved me from several scams. I can actually say I've scammed the scammers. Guilty or innocent the damage has been done. I'm no fan of either of the Zieglers. It's their lovely daughters I worry about.

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The evidence is pretty damning, my friend. There is now a police affidavit in addition to the 911 call. The victim herself didn't call 911 - it was a friend who was concerned after she told the person that she was afraid to leave the house because she had been raped. Surveillance show him at the apt and he confessed to having consensual sex with her. The details are salacious and hypocritical. I believe if you go online to Zac Anderson's latest article, there's more info there. By the way, I'm Billy Cox's friend.

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Hi, Billy's friend :-) Let me play devil's advocate. Admittedly this stretches my credulity and it might be applicable to any other couple than the Zieglers. My today's horoscope went to my head. "Playing teacher your community needs your advice. Luckily you have wisdom to give." First let's look at the victim. It seems she may have mental health/substance abuse issues. Suppose a couple knows her and wants to help her. They meet on a regular basis as mentors. Not hearing from her the husband is worried and goes over to check on her. Thinks he calms her down and leaves. Not very likely but remotely possible. This is when I pull the "old card"......indulge me.... :-)

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Christian has known her for 20 years. They weren’t going to her home or having her in their home to counsel her or provide support for mental health issues. Please read the police reports. They state this woman preferred relations with Bridget and the last time she was unable to attend the tryst the victim cancelled. That pussed off Christian who went to her home and took what he wanted from her annoyed that she was only interested in his wife. It’s a mess. Bless you for trying to consider both sides but the evidence is piling up. The Zieglers credibility is destroyed

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I was a bit disingenuous in proposing what I knew was unlikely, even preposterous. At the time, not being on social media, I didn't know any of the details. How incredibly sad for their lovely daughters. Even sadder that this is not an unusual pattern among the "holy rollers".

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Rhana - Ziegler not only admitted to the sex, but stated he recorded it. Even Bridget incriminated herself and told the Police that she too had 'relations with that woman'. This is documented. The only thing left is the 'consensual' part. A woman who is afraid to leave the house and tells a friend she was raped seems credible. She isn't the one who called the police. The three of us have to get together - BUT NOT IN THAT WAY!!!!

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What way?? Oh, THAT way :-) Should be fun.

I guess I don't want to believe the Ziegler saga but am really not surprised. Can't imagine what the next board meeting will be like. Are you planning to go? I'll be there as always.

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Please sign this petition:


While Ms. Ziegler may not be guilty of a prosecutable crime, the harm she has done to millions across the nation for her targeting of the LGBTQ+ community, the push to enact the so-called "Parental Rights" or Don't Say Gay bill, and other chilling legislation while at the same time taking the word hypocrisy to new heights, she has no business on the school board, especially now.

She owes not only Sarasota an apology but the nation, and she should ask for the forgiveness of the millions she has harmed. She and her husband need to withdraw from politics and take care of their children.

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Hear, hear. 100% on board with your questions to Bridget. The Zieglers are not good people. Resign the both of you. Take your maga ways and shoo!

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